Lange & Springer Antiquariat Dorotheenstraße 16, 10117 Berlin

Abdul-Rahman, Geoinformation for Informed Decisions.

Abdul-Rahman, Geoinformation for Informed Decisions.

Abdul-Rahman, Alias et al. (Eds.): Geoinformation for Informed Decisions. Cham, Springer, 2014. 25 cm. XII, 242 p. Hardcover. Versand aus Deutschland / We dispatch from Germany via Air Mail. Einband bestoßen, daher Mängelexemplar gestempelt, sonst sehr guter Zustand. Imperfect copy due to slightly bumped cover, apart from this in very good condition. Stamped. Stamped. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography.

  • Category: Geowissenschaften
  • Language: English (en)
  • ISBN: 9783319036434
  • Order Number: 2044BB

Our Price: EUR 14,-- 

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