Lange & Springer Antiquariat Dorotheenstraße 16, 10117 Berlin

Wiseman, Several Chirurgical Treatises. The second edition.

Wiseman, Several Chirurgical Treatises. The second edition.

Wiseman, Richard. Several Chirurgical Treatises. The second edition. London, R. Norton und J. Macock für R. Royston, 1686. Folio. (8 Bl.), 577 S., (7 Bl.). Lederbd. d. Zt. (Rücken fachgerecht erneuert).

Osler 4259; Krivatsy 13084; Garrison/Morton 5573 zur Originalausgabe 1676: “Wiseman ranks in surgery as high as does Sydenham in medicine. He made valuable contributions to the subject, he was the first to describe tuberculosis of the joints (‘tumor albus’) and he gave a good account of gunshot wounds. Wiseman became surgeon to Charles II in 1672.” – “This large work discusses the cause, clinical appearance, and treatment of tumors, ulcers, diseases of the anus, the ‘King’s Evil’, wounds (including gunshot ounds), fractures, and venereal disease. Wiseman realized the differencebetween gonorrhea and syphilis and was the first to describe tuberculosis of the joints” (Heirs of Hippocrates 547 zur Ausg. 1676). – Teils etwas gebräunt bzw. stockfleckig, insgesamt sehr gut erhalten.

Our Price: EUR 630,-- 
