Lange & Springer Antiquariat Dorotheenstraße 16, 10117 Berlin

Blumenbach, Institutiones physiologicae.

Blumenbach, Institutiones physiologicae.

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Institutiones physiologicae. Göttingen, H. Dieterich, 1787. 4 Kupfertafeln, XVI, 511, S. Neuer Pappband mit Rückenschild. Schwach gebräunt, stellenweise etwas braunfleckig.

Waller 1164; Heirs of Hippocrates 692: “B. is generally regarded as the founder of scientific anthropology. His classification of the subdivisions of the human race, which forms the latter part of this work, was the first to utilize facial configuration as well as skin color, and his system has survived to the present with but little modification.” – Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1849), Arzt, Physiologe, Historiker und Bibliograph, Prof. der Medizin in Göttingen, war einer der bedeutendsten Naturforscher und der erste Universitätslehrer, der Vorlesungen über vergleichende Anatomie hielt, vgl. Hirsch/H. I, 576 f.

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