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Saunders, A treatise on some practical points relating to the diseases of the ey…

Saunders, A treatise on some practical points relating to the diseases of the ey

Saunders, John Cunningham: A treatise on some practical points relating to the diseases of the eye, to which are added a short account ot the author’s life and his method of curing the congenital cataract, by his friend and colleague J. R. Farre. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1816. Gestochenes Porträt-Tafel, 8 (7 kolorierte) Kupfertafeln, XLIII 216 S. Halblederbd. d. Zt. mit Rückenschild und etwas Rückenvergoldung (Innengelenke verstärkt).

Erste Ausgabe. – Hirschberg IV, § 634, S. 106; Becker Coll. 326; Albert/Norton 2015: „This posthumously published work contains three chapters by Saunders: on the symptoms and treatment of ophthalmia neonatorum and iritis, and on eversion of the upper eyelid and its cure by excision of the tarsus. There follows a chapter by Saunders’ colleague John Richard Farre, providing an account of Saunders’ life and a description of his discission operation for congenital cataract in children.“ – John Cunningham Saunders (1773-1810) begründete eine Augenkranken-Anstalt in London, die er als Surgeon leitete. Während der Vorbereitung zu seinem einzigen hier vorliegenden Werk verstarb er. – Frontispiz etwas fleckig, Titel leicht gebräunt, insgesamt gutes Exemplar.

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