The catalog contains 768 items. Drop search results and show the complete catalog.
No. |
Description Short title |
Price EUR |
8166GB | Abe, Measurement Techniques and Practices of Colloid and Interface Phenomena. | 12,-- | |
2178JB | Abetz, Block Copolymers II. | 17,-- | |
1425KB | Achaw, Chemical and Process Industries. | 16,-- | |
44145HB | Acker, Kohlenhydratreiche Lebensmittel. | 14,-- | |
7507EB | Acosta, Strain Mechanisms in Lead-Free Ferroelectrics for Actuators. | 16,-- | |
3176BB | Adams, Gruppentransferpolymerisation von Michael-Monomeren. | 11,-- | |
3020MB | Adhikari, Infectious Diseases and Nanomedicine II. | 17,-- | |
8612EB | Adler, Computerapplikationen in der Mitteldeutschen Chemieregion – ein historisc | 11,-- | |
5749GB | Advance in Structural Bioinformatics. | 16,-- | |
4446BB | Ahmad, Postharvest Quality Assurance of Fruits. | 14,-- | |
Entries 1–10 of 768
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